8 Reasons why my Finance is an issue

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Attending the class of Financial Freedom by great friends from China. I decided to share about my journey struggling with finance. I hope some of these discussions will enlighten you on some key issues that you may have blind-sidely continue to ignore your Finances.

Speaking of wealth, everyone’s interpretation of it is never exactly (though Money is a physical object) the same.

Photo by Giorgio Trovato on Unsplash

Sometimes when we have problems with money, it may not be money itself, but sometimes it may be the associations or traumas we have during our younger times which causes us to not be able to have more money.

We need to dig deep on what these “Monsters” are to find out on what is it that is stopping us from having a comfortable life, and association with money comfortably.

More often than not, its a painful process, but it will definitely be worth it.

Photo by Tim Gouw on Unsplash

Today, let’s discuss 8 Reasons that cause people to have money issues.

1. Delay

When you don’t like to deal with money issues immediately, if you have the tendency to delay bills, making payments to the bank often, it’s quite likely that money is not as smooth as you would like.

2. Breaking Promises

When was the last time you broke a promise to someone? Do you do it often? Breaking promises and commitments will strain your resources, time, effort, and also affects your cash flow, observe your personal habits if this occurs for you.

3. Avoidance

I particularly suffered from this on a very large scale. Leading from small occurrences of delay, which resulted in me breaking promises became a habit of avoidance and me being “Frozen” when faced with money issues. It became so bad that I was literally stuck in stress and anxiety. After I realized that this was an issue, I learnt to accept issues, and practice this.

“If a task will take you a minute or less to complete, do it as soon as you realize it needs to be done.” — Gretchen Rubin
Photo by Danial Mesbahi on Unsplash

4. Ego

There’s no shortcut to success. As much as I had wanted to live a better life, and ended up spending thousands of dollars in travel, personal development courses, and naturally because I wanted to live a “better” life, I overspent and using Credit Cards, accompanied by the above problems, it simply became a lot worse. Watch your spending, and make sure that you spend within your means, don’t let your Ego be bigger than your spending.

5. Fear of Commitment

As funny as it sounds when you are afraid of responsibility or being responsible for your life, or the lives of people around you, money is also afraid to stay with you. Check if you have a fear of responsibility for yourself or for taking care of people around you.

6. Procrastination

It’s okay, I can always do it later, I have plenty of time. Are you a last-minute person? This always waiting to do things a little later can be a sign of being “Frozen” from deeper reasons reflected in point 8. It also causes you to directly or indirectly have the problems in the above 5 points.

7. Lying

All the above when you habitually avoid and prevent dealing with matters on time, it will result in your ego eating up your true self. By then, you would be finding yourself not being truthful to others and yourself. It can eventually become habits of lies to cover up reasons why you are unable to make payments due and on time.

8. Trauma Associations

Last but not least, more often than not, these problems can be associated with things that happen to us in the past. It can be our household having quarrels about finances, needing to pay for someone’s debt, loansharks that bug our households, or our family associating our worth with only money.

Each of you reading this article have a special affinity with finances, and you have the power to right the wrongs. For each cause or issue that you see the above, search for the equivalent antonym online.

Start to give the values that you understand, above and start with awareness of small commitments. If you think that this article is helpful, or have views of your own resolutions for financial management, feel free to share!

I will share more in the next article on how I gradually improved my concept of finances, and hope it will help you even more!


8 Reasons why my Finance is an issue was originally published in The Capital on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

from The Capital - Medium https://ift.tt/3dfMbc4

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