WTF is Hamster Kombat?

Is it a scam or what? 🐹

Photo by Nikolett Emmert on Unsplash

Hamster Kombat is a wild bot on Telegram (actually a crypto coin) game that has a lot of people talking.


I also have a HAMSTER KOMBAT account. 😁

I achieved a Legendary level 7 in it. There are 11 levels.

My profit per hour is more than 1 million hamster coins.

It’s a tapping virtual machine, managing a crypto exchange, and racking up in-game coins — all while playing for real-world rewards.

Sounds fun, But there’s more beneath the surface.

🔺 Addictive or Just Plain Sketchy?

Hamster Kombat is a play-to-earn game based on Telegram, where players tap their screens like crazy to earn HMSTR tokens.

These tokens are tied to blockchain technology, which lets players convert their in-game earnings into real cryptocurrencies. The game promises you can climb from a “shaved hamster” to the CEO of a crypto exchange through tapping/quests and upgrades.

It’s all wrapped in this wacky storyline, which has made it go viral, especially in crypto-obsessed circles.

Some of the users are saying they’ve faced glitches, where the tokens they earned magically disappear.

Happened to me also. They are not giving you the actual coin per hour. I slept without any coins and woke up after 8 hours of sleep. In that case, I should have earned 8 million coins (because my profit per hour is more than 1 million coins), but I only received 3 million coins.

Imagine playing for hours and losing everything in a split second.

That’s been a big frustration.

❌ Is It a Scam?

Now, you’re probably asking: “Is this whole thing legit, or am I about to get scammed?”

The answer? It’s…complicated.

On one hand, Hamster Kombat has over 250 million players worldwide, and its partnerships with big blockchain companies add a layer of credibility.

🚩 But there are also serious red flags:

  • Anonymous developers: No one really knows who’s behind it, and that’s a big issue in the crypto world.
  • Russian affiliations: Being linked to regions known for fraud doesn’t help its case.
  • Glitches and scam accusations: Players have lost tokens due to technical errors, and some have called it a scam.

Even Russian politicians have labeled it a scam, claiming it manipulates people into thinking they can get rich with minimal effort.

That’s not all — the game has fueled a weird rise in sales for muscle massage guns because players are buying them just to tap faster. Yeah, it’s that addictive.

There are multiple games in it, and after completing each game, you receive a key that may be helpful after the coin airdrop.

I achieved 27 keys so far. 😁 I played like an honest player. Multiple groups on Telegram offer you a Redeem code, for that code YOU can access all the keys by just putting keys in the REDEEM KEY section.

What is the purpose of a key in this game we don’t know yet…!

⚡ Should You Play or Run Away?

Launching on Binance on September 26th. We don’t know what the initial rate of this coin will be or how they will distribute the airdrop to their CEOs.

With just 6 days until September 26th, if you start playing this game now, you may end up with nothing or just a few cents.

So better not to play this right now!

The bottom line:

Don’t throw any real money into this unless you’re okay with potentially walking away empty-handed.

If you’re just here for some hamster-tapping fun?

Go ahead.

But if you’re hoping to make a fortune, better stay cautious. Always DYOR (Do Your Own Research).

💡 Pro tip: If it feels too good to be true, it probably is. Stay sharp!

I Pray You Never Face the Darkness I’ve Lived Through

Before you leave,👏 💬 — means a lot!

WTF is Hamster Kombat? was originally published in The Capital on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

from The Capital - Medium

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